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Best Practices for Your Guardian System When You Get a New Phone

When switching to a different phone for any reason, there are a few things to keep in mind to avoid disrupting your security system and monitoring services. Here are a few suggestions for information and features that should be verified when swapping to a new phone.  

Primary phone contact  

When switching to a different phone than the one associated with your primary login, the primary phone contact on your Guardian account should be updated if the number is different. This ensures that your contact info is up to date, just in case we need to reach you for any reason. 

Rules and notifications  

The rules and notification on the account should be updated to reflect any phone swaps that are performed. The new phone should be added to the contact recipients for any desired rules and notifications, and the old phone should be removed from any rules or notifications. This ensures minimal disruption in system usage and notifications.  

Location Services  

When swapping to a different phone, update the location services (“Places”) list of phones that are attached to the account. In this case, delete the old phone from the devices list on the account and add the new phone to the list.  

Get more info on how to configure location services here

Guardian’s monitoring station contact information  

It’s very important that our monitoring team knows if your phone number changes, or if any of your Emergency Contact phone numbers have changed. To change your contact info for the monitoring station, Log into your Guardian account, navigate to System Info, and choose Emergency Contacts. 

You will also want to save our monitoring center’s phone number into your new phone, so you know when we’re calling: 800.364.3616 

Two-factor authentication   

Do you have two-factor authentication (2FA)? If you have this feature enabled and you switch phones, the contact information associated with two-factor authentication needs to be updated if the feature is enabled for the user’s account.  

To update the contact information that the 2FA is associated with, disable and then reenable the feature. Learn how to enable 2FA here.  

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