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The Guardian Playlist for a Safer Holiday Season with Smart Home Security

Home Security | Smart Home Control

The holidays really are the most wonderful time of the year. One of the best parts about this season? The tunes! Whether you’re a holiday purest who doesn’t feel like it’s December until you hear Bing Crosby, or you’ve got Ariana Grande’s Christmas and Chill on a loop, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

But even with all that merry music and cheer floating around, let’s face it — this season stresses people out. You’ve got places to go, people to see, and presents to give. Luckily, for every holiday scenario, there’s a Guardian Protection solution to make it not just safer, but more manageable.

We wanted to show you what a huge advantage a smart security system can be this time of year. So we did what anyone would do: we made you a mixtape! We’re sharing some of our favorite strategies for a safer, smarter holiday season using Guardian security and home automation technology, set to the tune of the songs we all know and love.

This year, let’s have a little less worry and a little more merry. Enjoy our holiday playlist!*

Guardian Smart Security Holiday Playlist

1. Dashing through the snow…

Whether you’re just running to the store to grab more snowflake wrapping paper or fighting the good fight at your local department store, prepare to be on the move over the holidays.

Smart video surveillance at home is going to be your best friend, allowing you to check in from anywhere. With the Guardian App, all you need is your smartphone and internet access to view the areas watched by your professionally installed indoor video cameras and outdoor video cameras. You can pinch-and-zoom for a closer look, or even program cameras to record video clips triggered by specific actions, like when a certain door opens or your alarm goes off.

Arriving home with your arms full of packages? Forget fiddling with your keys, because there’s already enough jingling going on this month. A keyless smart lock can recognize you just by detecting your smartphone and unlocking your front door automatically.

2. But the fire is so delightful…

Glowing candles, crackling fireplaces, festive feasts, and colorful blinking lights. Is it just us, or are so many of the things we love around the holidays fire hazards?

At the risk of making the playlist sound like a broken record, smoke detectors are a must. In fact, you should have one on every floor. But even if your device detects smoke and goes off, it doesn’t do you much good if the whole family is caroling door-to-door.

On the other hand, when fire alarm systems are professionally monitored, you can breathe easier when no one is home. Guardian’s fire alarm systems are monitored 24/7, even if your security system isn’t armed.

So feel free to let those lights shine. Our monitoring team will have your back.

Remember: Candles and flames should never be left unattended, with or without monitored home security. Snuff those out before you settle your brain for a long winter’s nap.

3. Rockin’ around your Christmas tree…

Speaking of fire hazards, this lovely evergreen deserves its own category.

Christmas tree fires aren’t extremely common, but when they happen, they are more likely to cause death when compared to home fires in general:

On average, one of every 32 reported home Christmas tree fires results in a death compared to an average of one death per 143 total reported home fires.

Don’t let fear of fire spoil your right to rock around the tree. Just one more reason you’ll want a monitored fire detection system this season!

4. Deck the Halls…

Opportunistic burglars may be more likely to strike during the holiday season. Homes are packed with presents, many people are traveling, and houses are peacocking with lavish decorations.

This time of year, more than any other — when everyone is distracted and homes are more vulnerable — you’ll get peace of mind from a monitored smart home security system.

Is your glistening Tannenbaum displayed near the window in all its glory? Make sure that window has a monitored window contact. If the gifts nestled below the tree attract unwanted attention and the window is opened, you’ll know right away. If an intruder decides to smash through the glass instead, a glass break detector will catch it.

5. Ding-dong, ding-dong, that is their song…

Increasingly, shoppers are taking their business online. Presents big and small are being dropped off on doorsteps around the clock. Often, no one is home when they arrive.

Never worry about missing a delivery when you have a video doorbell. You can receive mobile alerts when packages are dropped off and see for yourself that they arrived intact. Better yet, Guardian’s video doorbells have a two-way voice, so you can give your delivery person special instructions on the spot, even if they arrive while you’re at the office!

In a really bad pirate accent: Arrrgg, ye’d have to be livin’ under a barnacle not to hear tales of the scurvy porch pirates.

Yep, you know them and no one can stand them. But video doorbells can catch them! You paid extra to overnight that perfect gift, and if someone is sniffing around it, the video doorbell’s motion sensor can prompt its built-in camera to record a clip. Didn’t catch them red-handed? Clips can be stored and accessed later (and shared with the cops).

Plus, Guardian’s video doorbells are sleek but distinct. The mere appearance of one may stop thieves in their tracks.

6. My in-laws are coming to town…

Your house may be HQ around the holidays, and some households may have entire families staying the night. When you have a smart door lock, there’s no need to create a dozen spare keys.

Guardian Protection smart locks are integrated with your monitored security system. You can assign unique temporary codes and see exactly who is coming and going.

Emphasis on the word temporary — just because you gave your mother-in-law a code doesn’t mean she can stroll in to critique your housekeeping anytime she wants. You can add and remove visitor codes anytime, right from your smartphone.

7. Now the jingle hop has begun..

Are your holiday soirées the talk of the town, with folks in delightfully ugly Christmas sweaters coming and going all night? No time to post up at the front door; you have eggnog-tinis to pour and chestnuts to roast.

Monitored home security backed by really smart home automation will be your eyes and ears. Just a few examples? Motion-detection lights up the front porch as a guest arrives. Your video doorbell shows you it’s Aunt Carol. Your smart lock lets her in. Warning: You may stir up some jealousy in your guests when they see what your smart home can do.

A fruitcake? Aunt Carol, you shouldn’t have.

8. (Not) Home for the holidays…

If you’re doing a Four Christmases thing and traveling this year, a monitored home security system with home automation technology is a great house-sitter. Integrating smart light modules allows you to create a lighting schedule that makes it look like someone is always home.

Have a Home Alone situation going on? Hopefully, you didn’t fly out of the country without your pre-teen, but you may be leaving more self-sufficient offspring home for the holidays. Rest assured that Guardian’s monitoring center is keeping an eye out for fire and burglary in your absence.

Plus, a smart lock can keep you aware of their comings and goings, especially combined with video surveillance.

9. Baby, it’s cold outside…

Baby, it sure is, and nothing can hike up your energy bill quite like a special occasion. Here’s just one for instance: that way-too-big tree that was propping your front door open while you tried to figure out how to maneuver it inside.

Smart thermostats can also be useful when your house guests have dramatically different temperature preferences. You can receive notifications in response to room temperature setting changes and even adjust it discreetly from your smartphone. No more thermostat wars!

Because no, Karen, 78 degrees is not a reasonable thermostat setting.

10. Do you hear what I hear?

By the red nose of Rudolph, what was that?

Was it Santa Claus who arose such a clatter, or something more sinister? With a Guardian monitored smart home security system, you won’t lose sleep worrying about every little sound. Even if you’re snoring when your system goes off, it will notify our highly-trained monitoring experts. It’s nice to have backup.

Guardian’s professional monitoring team works for you around the clock, and they react in seconds at any hour, on any holiday. They can initiate a rapid response to your system’s alarm signal and notify the authorities if a break-in is detected. They can also reach out to your emergency contacts so the important people in your life know what’s happening.

Bonus Track: All I want for Christmas is a safer, smarter home

If peace of mind is on your wish list this year, you’re in luck. Professionally monitored smart home security with Guardian Protection offers just that, and it doesn’t even matter if you’ve been naughty or nice!

Wanna hear it again? We added the whole Guardian playlist on Spotify!

For more information about how Guardian can help protect you and your family during the holidays, call 1.800.PROTECT (1.800.776.8328).

Need a gift for a loved one? Check out our security and smart home automation devices.

And don’t forget to follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

It’s about to get really festive up in here.

* Guardian Protection is not affiliated with, nor are we in association with, Spotify, and this is not a paid advertisement.


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